IEEE SB GECT Club Website

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This website is built for the IEEE Student Branch of Government Engineering College Thrissur. I was selected for the Web Masters team for IEEE SB GECT 2021, and our team was assigned to build a static website for the club. It’s built using the Gatsby framework

Why Gatsby.Js Link to heading

Gatsby was used due to a specific condition we are given during the assignment of the work; we had to make the website static. This is because we have to deploy the club website on our College Server, which only grants FTP access. This means no SSH and no remote deployments. So the only way to make the project up and running was to create some static web pages and manually upload them to an Apache server running on our college server. So instead of creating the static HTML, we chose Gatsby as it was a static site generator (SSR) for React.js

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