Rendering Engine

History Link to heading

It would be a lie if I say that I was never into game development, even my first ever programming-ish experience was making a Game in Game Maker Engine way back. When I was randomly scrolling through Youtube one day, if I remember correctly it was during the launch of PS5 and the Unreal Engine Demo, a dude named The Cherno popped up on my feed. It didn’t take for me to like his format. I started watching his tutorials on Modern C++ (I only knew Turbo C++). I updated myself with C++ arsenal. Sometime later, I wanted to make some GUI software from the ground up for knowing computers better, and also partly I didn’t like the idea of always using Electron (Chromium) to build GUI. So my research started, and I finally figured out what things like OpenGL, Vulkan, and DirectX were after all this time.

Why OpenGL Link to heading

I chose OpenGL as it’s cross-platform. It has the most resources available and I also found a Textbook in our Library. So why not give it a try?

Current State Link to heading

The engine still needs a lot of abstraction for implementing higher level concepts like ray-tracing and concepts that require higher level math

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