Rumble - Chat Application

History Link to heading

I started this project as a part of the Career Development Program, by TinkerHub. I was qualified into the final stage and I was asked to do either one of the tasks

  • Create a Google Keeps clone
  • Create a Real-Time Chat application with Authentication

So from the title it’s evident which path I chose.

Why Rust? Link to heading

This was my very first attempt to learn Rust. To put things in short it was a really tough weekend. The concepts like borrow checker and lifetimes really screwed me over multiple times. But everytime I stepped onto those I saw the beauty of Rust and how it prevents developers from writing memory-unsafe code. While doing this project I completely fell in love with Rust. My opinions aside, I chose Rust mainly because of curiosity and it’s performance. Maintainability of the code was a really good bonus I wasn’t expecting initially.

Description Link to heading

This application is a Full Stack, real-time chat application. It’s frontend is built using Next.js, and backend in Rust. It’s deployed in Vercel and Render. But due to some errors within Render, I was unable to host the Backend. I also used MongoDB to persist the data as the data from chat is mostly unstructured

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