Voxel Graphic Engine

History Link to heading

This project is a result of the previous OpenGL rendering engine I build using C++. Since I learned Rust I was always facinated by it’s type system and its borrow checker. I wanted to rewrite the rendering engine in Rust an wanted to add a lot more abstraction layers on top.

Why I’m building this Link to heading

I wish to recreate Minecraft one day, as it was one of the most ground breaking game at it’s time and still is. The ammount of knowlege that is required to make a game from scratch is mindblowing. I also want to persue that path altest as a side project. This project severs as a solid ground work for my journey into the wonderful and facinating world of Graphic Programming

Why OpenGL Link to heading

I chose OpenGL as it’s cross-platform. It has the most resources available and I also found a Textbook in our Library. So why not give it a try?

Current State Link to heading

I’ve only started working on the project and I’m converting my C++ code base to Rust